Vantage Football was originally created for 2016/2017 football season in the UK and focused only on the English Premiership.

A football match prediction algorithm was created for a large betting syndicate using the very latest AI technologies at the time to predict outcomes of football matches by using match statistics over time, looking at relationships between match data and results. The AI element meant it became a progressive project, thus improving as match data and match outcomes were analysed.

The 2017/18 season delivered an incredible 70.9% accuracy in predicting the outcomes of matches and a 15.5% accuracy in predicting the correct scores.

The 2018/2019 season included the English lower leagues and the Scottish Premier League and the accuracy of predicted outcomes dropped to 70.4% overall, but increased to 71.4% in the English Premiership.

After the onset of the pandemic and the restrictions on crowds and suspension of matches, player ansenses, the betting syndicate no longer required the product.

Vantage Football has now used this technology and the data manipulation capability to turn the focus onto producing reports on the numerous facts happening within football matches directly influencing results. These reports are available to our members.

In the modern day trending opportunities to use facts such surrounding goals, corners, cards and many more, awareness of these statistics gives members an advantage.

Knowledge is power as they say.